GSR Information

Information for Group Service Representatives (GSRs)

As a GSR, you are the key link between your group and the rest of the A.A. service structure. You carry your group's voice to the District 15 and Oregon Area 58 business meetings and help elect the Area Delegate, who carries it to the annual General Service Conference in New York.

GSR Packet

Essential information on your responsibilities as your group's GSR, your role at the Area Assembly, and representing your group at our District meetings:

Additional resources to help you carry out your responsibilities as GSR:

Group Service Numbers

Use your group service number when you send group contributions to District 15, Portland Area Intergroup, Oregon Area 58, and the A.A. General Service Office (GSO) to ensure accurate records. Also use the group service number when notifying the Oregon Area 58 Registrar of any changes to the group's GSR or meeting information. 

Updated 2017-02-11

Altered Attitudes - 145007

B.W. Circle Group - 124098

Big Book Step Study Group - 637800

Canby Saturday Breakfast - 651287

Canby Saturday Nite Live - 111657

Canby Sisters in Sobriety - 640100

Canby Thursday Nite - 146237

Colton AA - 173102

Courageous Women - 632502

Doing The Deal - 699819

Extravagant Promises - 696652

(FotS) Fellowship of the Spirit - 670131

Freedom in the Steps - 715112

Free to Be Me Group - 172731

Gladstone Group - 111682

Gotta Wanna - 693354

Happy Joyous & Free - 626152

Hilltop Group - 147983

How at Noon - 715403

Hubbard Nomads - 610589

Just Get Here - n/a

Milwaukie Group - 706070

Milwaukie Women's Step Study - 158512

Molalla Group - 111708

New Beginnings - 713300

No Matter What - 687217

Primary Purpose Group - 132237

Saturday Morning Breakfast - 128127

Sisters in Sobriety - 640100

Sober Sunday Night - 613369

Start to Live - 128769

Straight Talk - 125928

Sunday Morning Eatin' Meetin' - 716687

Sunnyside Group - 127455

The Difference - 700311

Transitions - 718697

Turning Point - 111659

Wake-up Call - 663970

Willing Women - 698423

Winners Group - 127243

Women's 12x12 Study - 717955

Woodburn Group - 111764