Corrections Committee

Cooperation With Correctional Facilities 

If you've ever been in jail then you know that the AA meetings brought to guests of the county can be a life saver. Taking meetings into the jail is a powerful way to give back to our friends behind bars; District 15 invites you to partner with our Corrections Committee. Become part of a dedicated team that takes AA meetings into the Clackamas County Jail. The Men's and Women's Corrections Committees will hold meetings on an 'ad hoc' basis to address problems or to take stock of our effectiveness in carrying the message of recovery at the Clackamas County Jail.  For more info contact (womens) or (mens)

Read the section below on "How to Get Into The County Jail" for information on required information and forms to fill out to get clearance.

M-45i - Cooperation with Correctional Facilities Workbook

How to Get Into The County Jail

There is a new process for volunteering at the jail.  If you are interested in volunteering, you are welcome to go to the Clackamas County Jail website, and fill out an application and email the application to Officer Norm Johnson at: 

There is a new Volunteer Guideline Manual on the jail website to read.  To qualify, you need to have no felony or misdemeanor convictions and no incarcerations in the past five years. From time to time, Volunteer Orientation classes for new volunteers will be held.  

The Clackamas Country Jail has a dress code policy. This policy will be enforced both for the jail tour and for all volunteers inside the jail. Please consult the Volunteer Guideline Manual for the details of this policy.  

When you have been cleared as a volunteer to enter the Clackamas County Jail, contact the Corrections Committee by email (for both men and women).

Once you complete these steps, stay in contact with your District 15 Women's or Men's Corrections Chairperson to ensure that you have a meeting waiting when your approval comes in.

Jail Meeting Guidelines

The purpose of the Men's and Women's Corrections Committees is to coordinate the work of individual AA members who are interested in carrying our message of recovery to alcoholics in correctional facilities, for the most part in Clackamas County Jail.

Volunteers should be aware that we work under the direction and authority of the Clackamas County Sheriff's Department. In order to better facilitate a harmonious relationship with them and to enhance our effectiveness in carrying the message of recovery to the inmates of the jail, please note the following guidelines. It is also worth noting that among the following guidelines, most originate from the Clackamas County Sheriff's Department and are to be considered rules and regulations to which we must adhere; they go beyond mere suggestions: