District Website Committee

Primary Purpose

The committee chair, commonly referred to as the Web Master or Web Servant, is responsible for providing meaningful information to District 15 business meetings in order that the Officers of the District can make an informed decision concerning new and current internet functions, websites, and programs. Provide over-sight to AAOregonDistrict15.org and ensure that the site is up and operational, and adheres to the District 15 Guidelines They Investigate the latest internet trends and alert the District to anything that may affect the District as a whole or as a committee.They submit concepts, ideas, and trends that might ensure that “the hand of AA is there” at regular District meetings for response from GSR’s and District Officers. The chairs, if asked by any District 15 group, will post District announcements and activities on AA related websites. Provide training, instruction and assistance to users via the existing training document. The committee Chairs will Maintain the website. This function is automated, and requires logging in periodically. 

The alternate assists the Web Master in carrying out the duties of the web master, and collaborates with the webmaster on changes to the websites form or function. 

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